Wildlife Gardening

The Best Plants You Can Place in Your Garden for Birds

As autumn arrives and temperatures decrease, securing food for birds becomes especially crucial. It’s when you need to identify the best plants to place in your garden for them.

Without further ado, here are the best plants that will offer a steady supply of nourishment for a diverse array of bird species in your garden:


Glistening hawthorn clusters, known as haws, remain on hawthorn trees until February or March. These berries are highly favored by blackbirds, redwings, and fieldfares, while various other species like chaffinches, starlings, and greenfinches also relish them.

Furthermore, the leaves serve as nourishment for caterpillars of multiple moth species, ensuring a source of sustenance for fledglings come springtime.


The timing of berry production on rowan trees varies depending on the species you choose. From late July (Sorbus aucuparia) to November (Sorbus torminalis), these trees yield berries. Another option is cultivating crab apples, which entice birds like blackbirds and starlings.

Guelder Rose

The indigenous deciduous shrub, Viburnum opulus, carries weighty clusters of shiny berries spanning from November to March. These berries hold a special allure for mistle thrushes and bullfinches, making them particularly fond of this plant.

Additionally, its qualities extend to serving as a superb hedging option.

Shrub Rose

The hedging rose called Rosa rugosa yields some of the largest. These hips are sought after by blackbirds, fieldfares, and mistle thrushes.

On the other hand, the smaller hips of the dog rose, Rosa canina, are relished by a broader variety of birds and retain their succulence well into late winter.


Honeysuckle proves to be an excellent choice when dealing with limited space. During autumn, it offers both berries and refuge for birds like thrushes, warblers, and bullfinches. In summer, its fragrant blossoms entice insects, thereby offering a diverse array of birds an alternative food source.


As winter sets in and blackberries emerge, a diverse array of birds, including thrushes, waxwings, starlings, jays, finches, and blackbirds, feast on ivy flowers. The ivy leaves serve as nourishment for the caterpillars of the holly blue butterfly and serve as both nesting and roosting sanctuaries for birds.

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